Making good use of the right information can be a full time job these days. It depends on having an informational mentality. The right mentality will prioritise what’s important given the situation. The right mentality will be able to structure Information in a highly meaningful way.
Opinions and facts are not the same thing and they are everywhere. Our brains soak up information and that’s what makes up our minds. That can be a good thing or not a good thing depending on our terms of reference.
“In truth we are what we read and what we choose to believe — unless we make a conscious choice to open our minds to multiple perspectives and accept that there are many ‘versions of the truth’…”
It would be surprising to hear an organization dismiss the importance of information. But we observe that too few invest time and effort in making sure that information is treated as a prized asset across the orgabisation.
In Summary — Creating A Healthy Information Based Business
It’s a common axiom that we now live in the Information Age. If that’s true far too many businesses didn’t get the memo.
The rise of social platforms as a primary method of communication for business combined with a strong aversion to complexity (anything that takes up precious time) creates an environment that doesn’t encourage valuable/meaningful information to flourish.
A healthy environment for information requires that everyone sees the nurturing of Information as part of their day job. This would see a clear and meaningful distinction between the different types of information flowing through our organizations — and where the purpose and value of it is clear to everyone.
“When information is structured, meaningful and put into context it’s merit can be more objectively assessed…”
We would observe an environment where curiosity and desire for insight are evident. It would be a place where it’s the norm to question, to challenge and to ask more as a result. Having information as the oxygen of the business in this way would stimulate more interest and understanding and more ownership and engagement on what is actually happening.